Measuring and Controlling Interest Rate and Credit Risk
By Frank J. Fabozzi, Steven V. Mann, Moorad Choudhry
Wiley; 2 edition (May 16, 2003) |
ISBN-10: 0471268062 | ISBN-13: 978-0471268062 |
304 Pages | PDF/CHM | No customer reviews yet
Book Description
Measuring and Controlling Interest Rate and Credit Risk, Second Edition offers a systematic evaluation of how to measure and control the interest rate risk and credit risk of a bond portfolio or trading position under various financial conditions.
Financial experts Frank Fabozzi, Steven Mann, and Moorad Choudhry clearly define and illustrate interest rate risk and credit risk using practical examples with market data. These experts also discuss various hedging instruments, including futures contracts, interest rate swaps, exchange-traded options, OTC options, and credit derivatives.
This completely revised Second Edition is filled with calculated examples and tables that will aid you in understanding numerous important issues such as:
Measuring yield curve risk
Controlling interest rate risk with derivatives
Forecasting yield volatility
Implementing Value at Risk (VaR) approaches to measure interest rate risk
Performing credit derivative valuation
Managing credit risk using credit derivatives and structured products
Filled with in-depth analysis and insights from recognized experts in the field, Measuring and Controlling Interest Rate and Credit Risk, Second Edition is a must-read for portfolio managers and traders who need to continually sharpen their financial skills.
From the Back Cover
Measuring and Controlling Interest Rate and Credit Risk, Second Edition offers a systematic evaluation of how to measure and control the interest rate risk and credit risk of a bond portfolio or trading position under various financial conditions.
Financial experts Frank Fabozzi, Steven Mann, and Moorad Choudhry clearly define and illustrate interest rate risk and credit risk using practical examples with market data. These experts also discuss various hedging instruments, including futures contracts, interest rate swaps, exchange-traded options, OTC options, and credit derivatives.
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