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Dec 31, 2017

International Financial Reporting, 6th Edition


With more than 120 countries in the world now using international financial reporting standards (IFRS® Standards), knowledge of the standards issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB®) is vital to students’ success in financial accounting. Melville’s International Financial Reporting employs a practical, applied approach in exploring and explaining the key international standards. With a focus on how to implement the standards, this text delivers a focused, user-friendly introduction to international financial reporting.

Book Title:  International Financial Reporting, 6th Edition

Author : Alan Melville

Publisher: Pearson Education  - Prentice Hall © 2017



Introduction to Management Accounting, 16th Global Edition

Ebook Introduction to Management Accounting 16th edition by Horngren   downloadslide

Book Title: Introduction to Management Accounting, 16th Global Edition

Author : Charles T. Horngren - Gary L. Sundem - David Burgstahler - Jeff Schatzberg

Publisher: Pearson Education  - Prentice Hall © 2014

In today’s troubled economy, it’s important to show students how managerial decisions can affect business costs. Introduction to Management Accounting helps to enhance students’ ability to make effective economic decisions by encouraging them to understand the inner-workings of the concepts, rather than solely focusing on technique memorization. Overall, this text describes both theory and common practices in a way that will help students produce information that’s useful in day-to-day decision-making.



Nov 13, 2017

Test Bank Principles of Microeconomics 9e by Case and Fair


Book Title : Principles of Microeconomics, 9th edition

Author(s) : Case, Fair, and Oster

Publisher : Prentice Hall

File size : 14.74 MB

Click "download button" below to download.



Study Guide Financial & Managerial Accounting or Corporate Financial Accounting 12e Vol 1 by Warren


Book Title:  Financial and Managerial Accounting, 13th Edition

Author : Carl S. Warren, James M. Reeve, Jonathan Duchac

Publisher: South Western - Cengage Learning © 2014

File size :  1.95 MB (pdf - wm)

Click "download button" below to download.



Ebook International Human Resource Management 3rd Edition by Edwards & Rees


International Human Resource Management Edwards & Rees, 3rd edition This engaging textbook offers a readable introduction to International Human Resource Management. It explores the international dimensions of managing human resources, with a focus on comparative HRM and multinational organisations. It tackles the issues raised by cross-national differences in HRM styles and explores key themes, including: * The meaning of globalization and the extent to which it is a novel phenomenon * Challenges to national traditions and changes in national systems .



Ebooks Intermediate Accounting 16th edition by Kieso, Weygandt and Warfield


Kieso, Weygandt, and Warfield's Intermediate Accounting continues to set the standard for students and professionals in the field. Kieso maintains the qualities for which the text is globally recognized, including its repuatation for accuracy, comprehensiveness, accessibility, and quality problem material that best prepares students for success on the CPA exam and accounting careers. The 16th edition offers the most up-to-date coverage of US GAAP & IFRS in a presentational format suited to the complex challenges of teaching intermediate accounting in these changing times.



Aug 19, 2017

Foundations of Finance 9e Global Edition by Keown, Martin and Petty



Foundations of Finance, 9th Edition

Arthur J. Keown, Virginia Polytechnic Instit. and State University

John H. Martin

J. William Petty, Baylor University

©2017 |Pearson



Managerial Accounting 6th edition by James Jiambalvo


Managerial Accounting, 6th Edition

James Jiambalvo
ISBN: 9781119158011

Recognizing that most students will pursue careers as managers not accountants, Managerial Accounting, 6th Edition by James Jiambalvo focuses on the fundamental topics of managerial accounting, and helps you make direct connections between techniques in the business world and your future careers using cases and real managers’ comments on company issues. Managerial Accounting, 6th Edition helps you develop decision making skills through incremental analysis and stresses the fact that You Get What You Measure throughout the program.

This textbook is designed for a one semester managerial accounting course at both the undergraduate and MBA level. To keep the book streamlined, Chapter 13 Statement of Cashflow and Chapter 14 Analyzing Financial Statements have been made available online only on the Student Companion Site.

Managerial Accounting, 6th Edition is available with WileyPLUS with ORION adaptive learning. WileyPLUS with ORION addresses the challenges of student readiness and retention, and helps instructors and students improve learning outcomes by integrating course content with learning tools, assessment, and practice activities within one adaptive platform.


  • ORION: Simply by assigning ORION, instructors can identify early which students might be at risk of falling behind, engage with students around areas of weak performance, and measure outcomes for continuous lecture improvement.

  • Problem Solving Skills with Videos: New Problem Walkthrough Videos featuring author Jim Jiambalvo, teach students how to solve managerial accounting problems. These new videos are easily accessible, from homework problems.

  • Organized Learning: A new and streamlined learning design of both WileyPLUS and the text helps students find relevant videos, reading content, and resources based associated learning objectives, so they can make the best use of time outside of class.


Table of Contents

Wiley Affordability Program Mission Statement




Macroeconomics 7e Global Edition by Olivier Blanchard



1. A Tour of the World  

2. A Tour of the Book

The Short Run

3. The Goods Market  

4. Financial Markets I

5. Goods and Financial Markets; The IS-LM Model

6. Financial Markets II

The Medium Run

7. The Labor Market

8. The Phillips Curve, the Natural Rate of Unemployment, and Inflation

9. Putting All Markets Together: From the Short to the Medium Run

The Long Run

10. The Facts of Growth

11. Saving, Capital Accumulation, and Output

12. Technological Progress and Growth

13. Technological Progress: The Short, the Medium, and the Long Runs



14. Financial Markets and Expectations

15. Expectations, Consumption, and Investment

16. Expectations, Output, and Policy

The Open Economy

17. Openness in Goods and Financial Markets

18. The Goods Market in an Open Economy

19. Output, the Interest Rate, and the Exchange Rate

20. Exchange Rate Regimes

Back to Policy

21. Should Policy Makers Be Restrained?

22. Fiscal Policy: A Summing Up

23. Monetary Policy: A Summing Up

24. Epilogue: The Story of Macroeconomics





May 6, 2017

Intermediate Accounting IFRS Edition-Solution Manual


FA 3

Intermediate Accounting IFRS Edition

1.Describe the growing importance of global financial markets and their relation to financialreporting.

2.Identify the major financial statements and other means of financial reporting

.3.Explain how accounting assists in the efficient use of scarce resources..Explain the need for high!"uality standards.#.Identify the objecti$e of financial reporting.%.Identify the major policy!setting bodies and their role in the standard!setting process.&.Explain the meaning of I'().*.Describe the challenges facing financial reporting




Financial Accounting, 8th edition with Solution Manual



Book Title:  Financial Accounting, 8th edition

Author : Walter T. Harrison Jr., Charles T. Horngren, and Bill Thomas

Publisher: Prentice Hall - Pearson Education Inc. © 2010

File size :  6.64 MB

Click "download button" below to download.



Essential Statistics:Exploring the World through Data, 2nd edition

Stat 2

Book Title:  Essential Statistics: Exploring the World through Data, 2nd edition

Author : Robert Gould • Colleen Ryan • Rebecca Wong

Publisher: Addison-Wesley - Pearson - Prentice Hall © 2017

File size :  21.67 MB (pdf, nowm)

Click "download button" below to download.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction to Data
Chapter 2: Picturing Variation with Graphs
Chapter 3: Numerical Summaries of Center and Variation
Chapter 4: Regression Analysis: Exploring Associations between Variables
Chapter 5: Modeling Variation with Probability
Chapter 6: Modeling Random Events: The Normal and Binomial Models
Chapter 7: Survey Sampling and Inference
Chapter 8: Hypothesis Testing for Population Proportions
Chapter 9: Inferring Population Means
Chapter 10: Analyzing Categorical Variables and Interpreting Research
Appendix A: Tables
Appendix B: Check Your Tech Answers
Appendix C: Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises
Appendix D: Credits




The Official Guide For GMAT Quantitative Review 2017Enter a post title


Gmat 1

Book Title:  Ebook The Official Guide For GMAT Quantitative Review 2017

Author : Graduate Management Admission Council

Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Inc. © 2016

File size :  17.93 MB (pdf, wm)

Click "download button" below to download.


GMAT quantitative review, tips, and strategies, with over 300 practice questions

The Official Guide for the GMAT Quantitative Review 2017 provides targeted preparation for the mathematical portion of the GMAT exam, with 45 brand new practice questions. Designed by the Graduate Management Admission Council, this book shows you everything you need to know to go into the exam with confidence. You'll learn how best to approach the quantitative section as a whole, and how to approach each type of question to understand exactly what is being asked. An in-depth math review helps you recall important concepts and techniques, while 300 problems exclusive to this book provide plenty of opportunity for practice. All problems include answers and explanations to help you pinpoint mistakes, and the companion website (gmat.wiley.com) allows you to create your own custom problem sets to focus on specific areas in need of improvement. Online videos provide additional tips and strategies from the exam's creators, and extensive discussion of the test's content gives you an advance preview of exam day.

The GMAT holds the key to your graduate education, so if you're feeling the pressure, you're not alone. Thorough preparation is key, and this book is your ultimate source of quantitative review, practice, tips, and strategies.

  • Review essential algebra, geometry, arithmetic, and word problems
  • Practice solving 300 quantitative problems with explanations included
  • Learn valuable test-taking and problem-solving strategies
  • Access to an online question bank with customizable practice sets exams at gmat.wiley.com



Introductory Statistics, 10th edition

Int Stat


Book Title:  Introductory Statistics, 10th edition

Author : Neil A. Weiss

Publisher: Addison-Wesley - Pearson - Prentice Hall © 2017

File size :  13.49 MB (pdf, nowm)

Table of Contents

PART I: Introduction

1. The Nature of Statistics

            Case Study: Top Films of All Time

1.1 Statistics Basics

1.2 Simple Random Sampling

1.3 Other Sampling Designs∗

1.4 Experimental Designs∗

            Chapter in Review

            Review Problems

            Focusing on Data Analysis

            Case Study Discussion


PART II: Descriptive Statistics

2. Organizing Data

            Case Study: World’s Richest People

2.1 Variables and Data

2.2 Organizing Qualitative Data

2.3 Organizing Quantitative Data

2.4 Distribution Shapes

2.5 Misleading Graphs∗

            Chapter in Review

            Review Problems

            Focusing on Data Analysis

            Case Study Discussion


3. Descriptive Measures

            Case Study: The Beatles’ Song Length

3.1 Measures of Center

3.2 Measures of Variation

3.3 Chebyshev’s Rule and the Empirical Rule∗

3.4 The Five-Number Summary; Boxplots

3.5 Descriptive Measures for Populations; Use of Samples

            Chapter in Review

            Review Problems

            Focusing on Data


            Case Study Discussion


PART III: Probability, Random Variables, and Sampling Distributions

4. Probability Concepts

            Case Study: Texas Hold’em

4.1 Probability Basics

4.2 Events

4.3 Some Rules of Probability

4.4 Contingency Tables; Joint and Marginal Probabilities∗

4.5 Conditional Probability∗

4.6 The Multiplication Rule; Independence∗

4.7 Bayes’s Rule∗

4.8 Counting Rules∗

            Chapter in Review 218

            Review Problems

            Focusing on Data Analysis

            Case Study Discussion


5. Discrete Random Variables

            Case Study: Aces Wild on the Sixth at Oak Hill

5.1 Discrete Random Variables and Probability Distributions∗

5.2 The Mean and Standard Deviation of a Discrete Random Variable∗

5.3 The Binomial Distribution∗

5.4 The Poisson Distribution∗

            Chapter in Review

            Review Problems

            Focusing on Data Analysis

            Case Study Discussion


6. The Normal Distribution

            Case Study: Chest Sizes of Scottish Militiamen

6.1 Introducing Normally Distributed Variables

6.2 Areas under the Standard Normal Curve

6.3 Working with Normally Distributed Variables

6.4 Assessing Normality; Normal Probability Plots

6.5 Normal Approximation to the Binomial Distribution∗

            Chapter in Review

            Review Problems

            Focusing on Data Analysis

            Case Study Discussion


7. The Sampling Distribution of the Sample Mean

            Case Study: The Chesapeake and Ohio Freight Study

7.1 Sampling Error; the Need for Sampling Distributions

7.2 The Mean and Standard Deviation of the Sample Mean

7.3 The Sampling Distribution of the Sample Mean

            Chapter in Review

            Review Problems

            Focusing on Data Analysis

            Case Study Discussion


PART IV: Inferential Statistics

8. Confidence Intervals for One Population Mean

            Case Study: Bank Robberies: A Statistical Analysis

8.1 Estimating a Population Mean

8.2 Confidence Intervals for One Population Mean When σ Is Known

8.3 Confidence Intervals for One Population Mean When σ Is Unknown

            Chapter in Review

            Review Problems

            Focusing on Data Analysis

            Case Study Discussion




Apr 17, 2017

Management , 13th Global Edition



Book title: Management , 13th Global EditionBook Title:  

Author : Stephen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter

Publisher: Pearson Education  - Prentice Hall © 2016

Table of Contents

PART 1: Introduction

1. Managers in the Workplace

Management History Module

2. Making Decisions

Part 1 Management Practice

PART 2: Basics of Managing in Today's Workplace

3. Managing the External Environment and the Organization's Culture

4. Managing in a Global Environment

5. Managing Diversity

6. Managing Social Responsibility and Ethics

7. Managing Change and Innovation

Part 2 Management Practice

PART 3: Planning

8. Planning Work Activities

9. Managing Strategy

Creating and Leading Entrepreneurial Ventures Module

Part 3 Management Practice

PART 4: Organizing

10. Designing Organizational Structure - Basic Designs

11. Designing Organizational Structure - Adaptive Designs

12. Managing Human Resources

Managing Your Career Module

13. Creating and Managing Teams

Part 4 Management Practice

PART 5: Leading

14. Managing Communication

15. Understanding and Managing Individual Behavior

16. Motivating Employees

17. Being an Effective Leader 

Part 5 Management Practice

PART 6: Controlling

18. Monitoring and Controlling

Planning and Control Techniques Module

Managing Operations Module

Part 6 Management Practice


File size :  55.67 MB – wm



Wiley GAAP: Interpretation and Application of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 2017




The most practical, authoritative guide to GAAP

Wiley GAAP 2017 contains complete coverage of the Financial Accounting Standards Board's (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification (ASC), the source of authoritative generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Wiley GAAP renders GAAP more understandable and accessible for research and has been designed to reduce the amount of time and effort needed to solve accounting research and implementation issues.

The 2017 edition reflects the new FASB guidance on:

  • Revenue Recognition
  • Leases
  • Business Combinations
  • Pensions
  • Financial Instruments
  • And more than 17 other new FASB Accounting Standards Updates

Providing interpretive guidance, analytical explanations, graphic tools, and more than 300 real-world, examples and illustrations, this invaluable guide offers clear, user-friendly guidance on every ASC Topic in the Codification.

  • Offers insight into the application of complex financial reporting rules
  • Contains a detailed index for easy reference use


Wiley GAAP: Interpretation and Application of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 2017

Author : Joanne M. Flood

Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Inc. © 2017

File size :  13.06 MB (pdf, nowm)



Economics: The Basic, 3rd edition

Book Title:  Economics: The Basic, 3rd edition

Author : Michael Mandel

Publisher: McGr*wH*ll / Irw*n © 2017

M: Economics, The Basics3rd Edition

By Mike Mandel
Copyright: 2018

– Connect: A highly reliable, easy-to-use homework and learning management solution that embeds learning science and award-winning adaptive tools to improve student results.  

- This 3rd edition focuses on cultivating students’ economic literacy but without overwhelming them; the text provides perspective for our current economy.  

- The succinct coverage, magazine-like design, and accessible presentation of math and graphs, help instructors overcome common challenges of this course- therefore making the material more appealing to a wide range of students.

File size :  52.95 MB



Taxation of Individuals, 2017 edition (8th edition)


Book Title:  Taxation of Individuals, 2017 edition (8th edition)

Author : Brian Spilker, Ben Ayers, John Barrick, Ed Outslay, John Robinson, Connie Weaver, Ron Worsham

Publisher: McGr*wH*ll / Irw*n © 2017

1. An Introduction to Tax
2. Tax Compliance, the IRS, and Tax Authorities
3. Tax Planning Strategies and Related Limitations
4. Individual Tax Overview, Exemptions, and Filing Status
5. Gross Income and Exclusions
6. Individual Deductions
7. Investments
8. Individual Income Tax Computation and Tax Credits
9. Business Income, Deductions, and Accounting Methods
10. Property Acquisition and Cost Recovery
11. Property Dispositions
12. Compensation
13. Retirement Savings and Deferred Compensation
14. Tax Consequences of Home Ownership
15. Entities Overview
16. Corporate Operations
17. Accounting for Income Taxes
18. Corporate Taxation: Nonliquidating Distributions
19. Corporate Formation, Reorganization, and Liquidation
20. Forming and Operating Partnerships
21. Dispositions of Partnership Interests and Partnership Distributions
22. S Corporations
23. State and Local Taxes
24. The U.S. Taxation of Multinational Transactions
25. Transfer Taxes and Wealth Planning
Appendix A Tax Forms
Appendix B Tax Terms Glossary
Appendix C Comprehensive Tax Return
Appendix D Code Index

File size :  29.24 MB



Mar 27, 2017

Wiley Interpretation and Application IFRS Standards -2017



Book Title:  Wiley Interpretation and Application of IFRS Standards 2017


The International Accounting Standards Board continues to make strides in achieving global convergence of accounting standards, which can be used to bring about uniformity in financial reporting around the world. Uniform reporting reduces the costs of preparing financial statements for multinational companies and facilitates the jobs of investment analysts, investors, and others in assessing business results. PKF International brings together the expertise of their global team to create an indispensable guide to the interpretation and application of IFRS.

Author : Erwin Bakker, Edward Rands, T V Balasubramanian, Candice Unsworth, Asif Chaudhry, Minette van der Merwe, Danie Coetsee, Santosh Varughese, Chris Johnstone, Pul Yeung

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc. © 2017

File size :  16.25 MB (pdf zip, nowm)



Accounting Principles 12th edition by Kieso, Weygandt and Kimmel



Book Title:  Accounting Principles, 12th edition

Topics to be covered

1 Accounting in Action

2 The Recording Process

3 Adjusting the Accounts

4 Completing the Accounting Cycle

5 Accounting for Merchandising Operations

6 Inventories

7 Accounting Information Systems

8 Fraud, Internal Control, and Cash

9 Accounting for Receivables

10 Plant Assets, Natural Resources, and Intangible Assets

11 Current Liabilities and Payroll Accounting

Author : Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel and Donald E. Kieso

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc. © 2015

File size :  34.14 MB (pdf, wm)



Financial Reporting & Analysis 13th Edition by Gibson

Financial Reporting and Analysis 13th Edition by Gibson

1. Introduction to Financial Reporting.
2. Introduction to Financial Statements and Other Financial Reporting Topics.
3. Balance Sheet.
4. Income Statement.
5. Basics of Analysis.
6. Liquidity of Short-Term Assets; Related Debt-Paying Ability.
8. Profitability.
9. For the Investor.
10. Statement of Cash Flows.
Summary Analysis. Nike, Inc. (Includes 2011 Financial Statements of Form 10-K).
11. Expanded Analysis.
12. Special Industries: Banks, Utilities, Oil and Gas, Transportation, Insurance, and Real Estate Companies.
13. Personal Financial Statements and Accounting for Governments and Not-for-Profit Organizations.
Appendix. Thomson ONE Basics and Tutorial.




Wiley GAAP: Interpretation and Application of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 2017


Wiley GAAP: Interpretation and Application of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 2017

Author : Joanne M. Flood

Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Inc. © 2017


The most practical and authoritative guide to GAAP, with point-and-click access

Wiley GAAP 2017 contains complete coverage of the Financial Accounting Standards Board's (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification (ASC), the source of authoritative generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Wiley GAAP renders GAAP more understandable and accessible for research and has been designed to reduce the amount of time and effort needed to solve accounting research and implementation issues. The 2017 edition reflects the new FASB guidance on:

  • Revenue Recognition
  • Leases
  • Business Combinations
  • Pensions
  • Financial Instruments
  • And more than 17 other new FASB Accounting Standards Updates

This volume includes a CD-ROM for instant access to any topic; a point-and-click index and table of contents allows for easy navigation, and the bookmarking function helps you quickly locate frequently-referenced topics. Providing interpretive guidance, analytical explanations, graphic tools, and more than 300 real-world, examples and illustrations, this invaluable guide offers clear, user-friendly guidance on every ASC Topic in the Codification.

File size :  13.06 MB (pdf, nowm)


Contemporary Management, 9th edition




In the new ninth edition of Contemporary Management by Jones/George continues to provide students the most current and up-to-date account of the changes taking place in the world of business management.

In this revision, the focus is on making Principles of Management relevant and interesting to today’s students—something that we know from instructor and student feedback engages them and encourages them to make the effort necessary to assimilate the text material. This product mirrors the changes taking place in management practices by incorporating recent developments in management theory, research, and by providing vivid, current examples of how managers of companies large and small have responded to the changes taking place.


Feb 21, 2017

The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets 9th (ninth) Edition by Mishkin, Frederic S.

The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets 9th (ninth) Edition by Mishkin, Frederic S.

Table of Contents

Part I Introduction1. Why Study Money, Banking, and Financial Markets?
2. An Overview of the Financial System
3. What Is Money?

Part II Financial Markets
4. Understanding Interest Rates
5. The Behavior of Interest Rates
6. The Risk and Term Structure of Interest Rates
7. The Stock Market, the Theory of Rational Expectations, and the Efficient Market Hypothesis

Part III Financial Institutions
8. An Economic Analysis of Financial Structure
9. Financial Crises and the Subprime Debacle
10. Banking and the Management of Financial Institutions
11. Economic Analysis of Financial Regulation
12. Banking Industry: Structure and Competition

Part IV Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
13. Structure of Central Banks and the Federal Reserve System
14. The Money Supply Process
15. Tools of Monetary Policy
16. What Should Central Banks Do? Monetary Policy Goals, Strategy, and Tactics

Part V International Finance and Monetary Policy
17. The Foreign Exchange Market
18. The International Financial System

Part VI Monetary Policy
19. The Demand for Money
20. The ISLM Model
21. Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the ISLM Model
22. Aggregate Demand and Supply Analysis
23. Transmission Mechanisms of Monetary Policy: The Evidence
24. Money and Inflation
25. Rational Expectations: Implications for Policy




Management 6th edition by BODDY


This is an accessible and academically rigorous guide to the themes and functions of management. It contains in depth case studies that examine key management issues in a broad range of organisations, from Apple and Virgin to the British Heart Foundation and Management in Practice features full of insights into contemporary management activities. Entrepreneurship, sustainability, governance and internationalization are integrated throughout, giving clear guidance on how students can further their understanding of these key topics.

