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May 31, 2012

Biology Model Question-1


1. In which process Oxygen is not required ?

a. Glycolysis b. Acctyle coA formation.

c. Krebs' Cycle. d. Electron transport system.

2. In which plant anaerobic respiration occurs ?

a. Spirogyra b. Moss

c. Yeast d. Fern.

3. Which is the end product in glycolysis ?

a. Pyruvic acid b. Ethanol

c. Lactic acid d. Acetyle co A.

4. Where does krebs' cycle occur ?

a. Cytoplasm b. Plastid

c. Mitochondria d. Neoclevs.

5. Which is not respiratory substance ?

a. Carbolydrate b. Water

c. Fat d. Protein.

6. How many Co2 is produced in aerobic respiration ?

a. 3 molecules b. 4 molecules

c. 5 molecules d. 6 moleats.

7. How many ATP is produced in aerobic respiration.

a. 36 ATP b. 38 ATP

c. 35 ATP d. 40 ATP

8. Which is C4 Plant ?

a. Paddy b. Wheat

c. Chili d. sugarcane.

9. Which is the first stable product in C3 Cycle

a. Pyruvic acid b. Ethanol

c. Phosphoglyceric acid

d. Dihydroxy acetone phosphate.

10. Who controls the opening & closing of stomata

a. Cuticle b. Gvard cell

c. Cambium d. Xylem.

11. Which is uni-cellular ?

a. Virus b. Bacteria

c. Moss d. Fern

12. Who has vascular tissue ?

a. Virus b. Bacteria

c. Moss d. Fern

13. Which is the character of a monocot flower ?

a. Large flower b. Bright flower

c. Secented d. Frimerous.

15. Which Plant can produce "Basidiocarp" ?

a. Spirogyra b. Agaricus

c. Moss d. Fern.

16. Which is reproductive cell ?

a. Cambium b. Companion cell

c. Sperm d. Yuard cell.

17. Which is the function of Ribosome ?

a. To produce energy b. To produce food.

c. To produce protein d. To store food.

18. Who discoverd nucleus ?

a. Robert Brown b. Robert Hook

c. Golgi d. Darwin.

19. What is the function of parotid gland ?

a. Enzyme secretion.

b. Hormone secretion.

c. Toxic substance recretion.

d. Saliva recretion.

20. Which of the following enzymes is secreted from the body of stomach ?

a. Importance of hort and parasite.

b. Relations of host and parasite.

c. Relations of ectoparasite and endoparas.

d. Harmful condition of host and ectoparasite.

21. What is meant by parasitism ?

a. Importance of hort and parasite.

b. Relations of host and parasite.

c. Relations of ectoparasite and endoparasite.

d. Harmful condition of host and ectoparasite.

22. Which of the following animals is unirexual ?

a. Tapworm b. Leaf worm

c. Earthworm d. Round worm.

23. By which of the following processes Amoeba takes liquid food ?

a. Pinocytosis b. Invagination.

c. Circumfluence d. Import.

24. Which of the following enzyneces is necessary for protein digestion ?

a. Tripsin b. Lipase

c. Amylare d. Bile

25. Which of the following is not a permanent structure of Amoeba ?

a. Nucleus b. Cytoplasm

c. Prenaopodia. d. Food vacuoles.

26. Plasmalemma of Amoeba is formed by the combination of __

a. carbohydrate and protein.

b. Protein and lipid. c. Fat and carbohydrate.

d. Lipid and water.

27. Which organ asists to produce pseudoopodia.

a. Outerplasm b. Innerplasm.

c. Uroid d. Nucleus.

28. Which organ helps in recretion and excretion?

a. Vacuole b. Plasma membrane

c. Uroid d. nucleus.

29. Which organ helps in recretion and excretion ?

a. Water vacuole. b. Golgi bodies.

c. mitochonbria. d. Prensopodia.

30. The length of female roundworm is .

a. 10-15 cm b. 15-20 cm

c. 20-25 cm d. 25-30 cm

31. What is the hort of round worm.

a. Cow b. Man

c. Horse d. Monkey.

32. How many lips are there in roundworm.

a. 2 b. 3

c. 4 d. 5

33. Seminal vesicle remain prasent in __

a. Male reproductive system of roundworm.

b. Female reproductive system of round worm.

c. Digestive systems of roundworm.

d. Excretory system of roundworm.

34. The Larval stage of round worm is called __

a. Tadepol b. Rhabditiform

c. Culex d. Daphnia.

35. A single host may contain up to -

a. 300 worms. b. 400 worms.

c. 500 worms. d. 600 worms.



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